In this post...
...gordon elliott mullings the unqualified underachiever snorted:
"The answer is that they were locking out a worldview level analysis that happens to cut across their own view, where they seem to think their own view is the only acceptable, reasonable, intelligent one.
Certainly that explains Dawkins’ choice of “brights” for his circle, and his dismissal of those who differ as “ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked.” (Which BTW, is raised in the OP. Should you not take pause to think about why it is you are so sharply dismissing those who happen to disagree with you, regardless of qualifications and achievements? Is that not a sign that something is very wrong with how you are thinking, Mr Dawkins et al?"
You, gordon elliott mullings, obviously think that any worldview other than your own MUST be evil AND locked out.
And should YOU not take pause to think about why it is you are so sharply dismissing those who happen to disagree with you, regardless of qualifications and achievements? Is that not a sign that something is very wrong with how you and your ilk are thinking, gordo, et al?
What the fuck have YOU ever achieved and what are YOUR qualifications? What makes you think that you're so special that you can impose your insane religious beliefs on whomever you want and meet no resistance?
You are EXACTLY what you condemn, only more so. You're the most flagrant, willful hypocrite and LIAR imaginable. You're also an abusive, demented, serial rapist, by your own definition, and a sickening, arrogant, gutless twat with severe mental problems. And those are your best traits.