Hey ba, step outside your chosen echo chamber sanctuary (UD) and present your positive, scientific, testable, verifiable, non-theistic evidence for ID here. Come on big boy, show that you have the guts to face people besides your sycophants on UD. You do have positive evidence for ID, don't you? Or do you just have god-did-it and bashing evolution, atheists, Darwinists, Darwinism, materialists, etc.?
Your case isn't ‘just so’ asserted but not demonstrated, is it? You do have a foundation to stand on in science, don't you, and you do have more than circular rhetoric to deceive yourself with, don't you, and you are able to rise above the contempt I have for your ‘snake oil’ salesman type of science, aren't you, and you do want to actually ‘prove’ that ID actually has a proper place at the table of modern science, don't you, and you do want to show that everything you do is not mere ‘rationalization’ parading as science, don't you?
And you do want to explain and show the testable, verifiable, scientific, positive, non-materialistic but also non-theistic evidence of the quantum entanglement found in DNA and proteins, don't you?
And most of all, you do want to impress me, don't you??
Something tells me that even this extremely simple test is too much for you, and your horde, and that you will simply ignore this crucial test that you must pass to stay scientifically legitimate, simply because it does not fit your ID religion of god-did-it.
bornagain77: "...though ID itself is not based on a Theistic Inference."
bornagain77: "This is ‘just so’ asserted but is not demonstrated!"
bornagain77: "You know what is crazy DrREC is that you act like you got any foundation at all to stand on in science. Whereas you, in reality, have nothing but circular rhetoric to deceive yourself with!! If you want to impress me, and rise above the contempt I have for your ‘snake oil’ salesman type of science."
bornagain77: "Or better yet DrREC, if you want to actually ‘prove’ that neo-Darwinism actually has a proper place at the table of modern science, then simply falsify Alain Aspects falsification of local realism (materialism) so that you may be able to explain the quantum entanglement found in DNA and proteins by materialistic (neo-Darwinian) means!!! Until then, everything you do is mere ‘rationalization’ parading as science!!"
bornagain77: "Something tells me that even this extremely simple test is too much for you, and your horde, and that you will simply ignore this crucial test that you must pass to stay scientifically legitimate, simply because it does not fit your ‘religion’ of neo-Darwinian evolution"