I have some questions for ID supporters.
I would especially like Joseph (joe-boi), bornagain77, kairosfocus (Gordon E. Mullings), and vjtorley (all of whom regularly post on uncommon descent) to answer them, and without distracting detours or links to videos or other irrelevant things. Yes or no will do just fine.
Does a spider web, a bee hive, a mole burrow, a bird nest, a termite mound, or a beaver dam have "biological function", and do they have "information"?
Does a tool that is made and used by a bird, a chimpanzee, other non-human primates, any other organism that isn't human, or a human, have "information", and does it have "biological function".
Does the organism understand and/or generate information when building a nest, web, hive, dam, etc.?
Does the organism understand and/or generate information when making and using a tool?
Apply the same questions to an organism, such as a bird, a non-human primate, or a human, but substitute tools that are not made by the organism. For instance, natural objects that the organism doesn't modify, but does select and use as a tool.
If there's information in any of the things I mentioned above (web, hive, dam, nest, tool, etc.) is it "functional complex specified information"?
And one more question:
When a cephalopod changes its shape, texture, or colors, does it understand and/or generate information (is it functional complex specified information?), and does that change of shape, texture, or colors have biological function?
I tried to post these questions on uncommon descent but they're too gutless, closed-minded, and dishonest to allow my posts there (and posts from many other people), even though they say they welcome open and honest discussion.
I would especially like Joseph (joe-boi), bornagain77, kairosfocus (Gordon E. Mullings), and vjtorley (all of whom regularly post on uncommon descent) to answer them, and without distracting detours or links to videos or other irrelevant things. Yes or no will do just fine.
Does a spider web, a bee hive, a mole burrow, a bird nest, a termite mound, or a beaver dam have "biological function", and do they have "information"?
Does a tool that is made and used by a bird, a chimpanzee, other non-human primates, any other organism that isn't human, or a human, have "information", and does it have "biological function".
Does the organism understand and/or generate information when building a nest, web, hive, dam, etc.?
Does the organism understand and/or generate information when making and using a tool?
Apply the same questions to an organism, such as a bird, a non-human primate, or a human, but substitute tools that are not made by the organism. For instance, natural objects that the organism doesn't modify, but does select and use as a tool.
If there's information in any of the things I mentioned above (web, hive, dam, nest, tool, etc.) is it "functional complex specified information"?
And one more question:
When a cephalopod changes its shape, texture, or colors, does it understand and/or generate information (is it functional complex specified information?), and does that change of shape, texture, or colors have biological function?
I tried to post these questions on uncommon descent but they're too gutless, closed-minded, and dishonest to allow my posts there (and posts from many other people), even though they say they welcome open and honest discussion.