Monday, June 13, 2011

born to be a complete IDiot

bornagain77 (philip cunningham) continues to destroy any chance that ID will ever be considered scientific by anyone other than insane, brain-dead, pompous religious zealots:



2:30 pm

Elizabeth, as long as you don’t claim that your referenced computer simulation supports your position, then i have no beef. But if you do claim that it does then I rightly demand that you provide ACTUAL observational evidence to back up your claim. Preferable a violation of the fitness test~!




3:23 pm

Elizabeth Liddle,

‘I do try to provide support (evidence and/or argument)’

I hate to inform you, but unless you can produce actual observational evidence for neo-Darwinian processes producing a gain in functional complexity/information above that which is already present in life, then all your other ‘supplementary evidence’ is completely meaningless for you have not proved the validity of your primary premise in the first place!!!




3:27 pm

i.e. all you are doing Elizabeth, with your ‘supplementary evidence’, with no actual foundation in science in which to base your postulations in the first place, is ‘whistling in the dark, trying to placate your ‘chosen’ atheistic philosophy!!!




3:32 pm

Elizabeth you state:

‘Well, I’m not even sure what you think my “primary premise” is’

Let’s see if I can narrow it down

“However life got here, God did NOT do it!!!”

Is that close enough Elizabeth???




5:04 pm

Well Elizabeth, you seem to have it all figured out, but to calm my reservations as to your expertise in this matter, perhaps you would care to provide a ‘non-local’ cause for quantum entanglement within DNA, etc.., which does not involve God as to its origination of cause???


phil, you are extremely fucked up.

Tell ya what phil, let's see YOUR "ACTUAL observational evidence" that scientifically proves your theistic "position", your theistic "primary premise", your theistic "postulations" and that your god or any god exists, and that your god or any god has or had anything at all to do with anything you claim! Let's see you back up YOUR "chosen" theistic "philosophy" with something other than your BIG FAT MOUTH, bible references, and a million links to wacky religious websites, christian music, christian videos, and other shit that doesn't prove one damn thing about your theistic claims!

And what scientific "expertise" do YOU have, phil-boi? What science have YOU ever done? What are YOUR scientific credentials? What scientific papers or books have YOU ever written and published? What scientific studies have YOU ever participated in? Do you think that pasting a ton of useless links shows YOUR "expertise"? YOU'RE the one whistling in the dark, and making a GIGANTIC fool of your self too! UD and ID will never be taken seriously as long as nutcases like you are allowed to speak for either one.

To see the whole thread where phil-the-god-wannabe continues to be a psychotic jerk, go here: