The IDiot "Eocene" (on UD) is just another creobot moron who never looks at a mirror. Here is a post of his, and below the long dashed line is my much more accurate rendition:
4:18 pm
vjtorley said:
‘Upright Biped wrote: “This debate is not about personalities, it’s about the evidence.”
“I completely agree.”
Yep, totally agree here as well. If they actually had cold hard facts and evidence to bring to the discussion they would have posted them at the beginning of the debate, as opposed to the tired old definition shell-gaming, intellect verse intellect gaming, etc, etc, etc. Then totally lie and insist they are not doing this.
Numerous posters come to mind here. You know, the ones who must be dragging themselves away from their all important scientific research to combat those they otherwise consider beneath their condescending self importance to dignify with a response ??? Anyone else notice that most of the leadership[names aren't necessary, you know who they are] on the evo side of things and their ideological troll wannabes have never really actually spent any real world time out in the field to arrive at the conclusions they pimp ??? Calling on the authority of Atheistic sites like ‘,, etc are a dead give away. Also, you never here of any practical application for findings without them plagerizing “Intelligent Design” tools and attaching evolutionary signage on them and hijacking these as their own.
Other than that , same ol’YAWN!!!
Yep, totally agree here as well. If IDiots actually had cold hard facts and evidence to bring to the discussion they would have posted them at the beginning of the debate, as opposed to the tired old definition shell-gaming, intellect versus intellect gaming, etc., etc., etc. And of course they totally lie and insist that they are not doing this.
Numerous IDiots come to mind here. You know, the ones who must be dragging themselves away from their all important scientific research to combat those they otherwise consider beneath their condescending self importance to dignify with a rational, relevant response. Anyone else notice that all of the so-called leadership [names aren't necessary, you know who they are] on the ID side of things and their ideological trolls and god-wannabes have never really actually spent any real world time out in the field to arrive at the conclusions they pimp?
Calling on the alleged authority of delusional creobots, looney philosophers, the bible, and theistic sites like answers in genesis, evolution news and views, uncommon descent, etc., is a dead give away. Also, you never hear of any practical application for their non-existent findings, and they plagiarize scientific tools and research and attach ID/theistic signage on them and hijack them as their own.
Other than that, same ol’YAWN!!!
4:18 pm
vjtorley said:
‘Upright Biped wrote: “This debate is not about personalities, it’s about the evidence.”
“I completely agree.”
Yep, totally agree here as well. If they actually had cold hard facts and evidence to bring to the discussion they would have posted them at the beginning of the debate, as opposed to the tired old definition shell-gaming, intellect verse intellect gaming, etc, etc, etc. Then totally lie and insist they are not doing this.
Numerous posters come to mind here. You know, the ones who must be dragging themselves away from their all important scientific research to combat those they otherwise consider beneath their condescending self importance to dignify with a response ??? Anyone else notice that most of the leadership[names aren't necessary, you know who they are] on the evo side of things and their ideological troll wannabes have never really actually spent any real world time out in the field to arrive at the conclusions they pimp ??? Calling on the authority of Atheistic sites like ‘,, etc are a dead give away. Also, you never here of any practical application for findings without them plagerizing “Intelligent Design” tools and attaching evolutionary signage on them and hijacking these as their own.
Other than that , same ol’YAWN!!!
Yep, totally agree here as well. If IDiots actually had cold hard facts and evidence to bring to the discussion they would have posted them at the beginning of the debate, as opposed to the tired old definition shell-gaming, intellect versus intellect gaming, etc., etc., etc. And of course they totally lie and insist that they are not doing this.
Numerous IDiots come to mind here. You know, the ones who must be dragging themselves away from their all important scientific research to combat those they otherwise consider beneath their condescending self importance to dignify with a rational, relevant response. Anyone else notice that all of the so-called leadership [names aren't necessary, you know who they are] on the ID side of things and their ideological trolls and god-wannabes have never really actually spent any real world time out in the field to arrive at the conclusions they pimp?
Calling on the alleged authority of delusional creobots, looney philosophers, the bible, and theistic sites like answers in genesis, evolution news and views, uncommon descent, etc., is a dead give away. Also, you never hear of any practical application for their non-existent findings, and they plagiarize scientific tools and research and attach ID/theistic signage on them and hijack them as their own.
Other than that, same ol’YAWN!!!