gordon e. mullings (kairosfocus) liar-for-god says:
"In my case, some one out there is targetting me, is falsely accusing me of child abuse, is saying menacingly “we know you, we know where you are, we know those you care for,” and is now backing this up by posting pictures — talk about targetting!
And, with further false accusations.
Someone who was coddled at MF’s site, and not restrained before he went utterly out of control.
At the same time, we see outright declarations that the God of the Bible is a moral monster, and those who follow him are ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked would-be tyrannical Christo-fascist theocrats and child abusers.
Plainly, some one out there — Dawkins and ilk — thinks he can smear people and build up morally driven rage against them by appealing to precisely the moral absolutes that he denies when they would cut in ways that he does not want.
The hypocrisy would be amusingly revealing, if it were not so dangerous. For that sort of incendiary language is feeding the fever swamps that allow the unhinged to tank up on rage and a sense of permission to act out their hostility on the scapegoated.
The end of such a pattern is predictable on all too much history: violence and blood as ruthless nihilist factions vie for power, and worse, if they gain it.
There is a name for a world like that, where each does as he pleases so long as he thinks he is powerful enough to get away with it, regardless of the blatant inconsistency.
Just ask the ghosts of 100 million victims of evolutionary materialist tyrannies over the past 100 years.
In short, we have again reached reductio ad absurdum and bankruptcy for evolutionary materialism, this time on the moral side.
Let us take grim warning, if we care for our civilisation; or even just our families and communities.
From here:
Well, there he goes again, attributing words to me that I never said, and this time he's using quote marks again.
Today (and usually) it's: “we know you, we know where you are, we know those you care for,”
(sometimes in quotes, sometimes in italics)
The other day it was: we know you, we know where you are, we think we know your family (in italics)
Liars can never keep their stories straight, and gordon e. mullings is a blatant, willful liar. I've never said those words to him and he knows it. Frankly, it amazes me that someone like gordo, who goes on and on and on about morality, could be such an amoral/immoral liar and expect to get away with it. He obviously thinks that he doesn't have to abide by the morals that he preaches about so much. That's mighty 'christian' of him.
It's also obvious that gordo really has a problem with Mark Frank, even though Mark has nothing to do with what I say or do and is not responsible for me in any way. Since gordo doesn't have the guts to come here and face me, he instead goes after Mark, and of course gordo does it behind the chicken-shit protective wall at UD. Oh, by the way, I wasn't "coddled" at Mark Frank's blog. That's just another lie from gordo. In fact, Mark asked me to post elsewhere and I have been doing so since.
"At the same time, we see outright declarations that the God of the Bible is a moral monster, and those who follow him are ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked would-be tyrannical Christo-fascist theocrats and child abusers."
That "declaration" is accurate.
"Plainly, some one out there — Dawkins and ilk — thinks he can smear people and build up morally driven rage against them by appealing to precisely the moral absolutes that he denies when they would cut in ways that he does not want."
That makes it sound as though I'm Dawkins. I'm not. And it's gordo who thinks he can smear people and build up morally driven rage.... blah blah blah. What a two-faced blowhard he is.
gordo, all of your accusations apply precisely to you. You are exactly what you condemn. You are just like your chosen god; a despicable monster. No wonder you worship him.
"In my case, some one out there is targetting me, is falsely accusing me of child abuse, is saying menacingly “we know you, we know where you are, we know those you care for,” and is now backing this up by posting pictures — talk about targetting!
And, with further false accusations.
Someone who was coddled at MF’s site, and not restrained before he went utterly out of control.
At the same time, we see outright declarations that the God of the Bible is a moral monster, and those who follow him are ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked would-be tyrannical Christo-fascist theocrats and child abusers.
Plainly, some one out there — Dawkins and ilk — thinks he can smear people and build up morally driven rage against them by appealing to precisely the moral absolutes that he denies when they would cut in ways that he does not want.
The hypocrisy would be amusingly revealing, if it were not so dangerous. For that sort of incendiary language is feeding the fever swamps that allow the unhinged to tank up on rage and a sense of permission to act out their hostility on the scapegoated.
The end of such a pattern is predictable on all too much history: violence and blood as ruthless nihilist factions vie for power, and worse, if they gain it.
There is a name for a world like that, where each does as he pleases so long as he thinks he is powerful enough to get away with it, regardless of the blatant inconsistency.
Just ask the ghosts of 100 million victims of evolutionary materialist tyrannies over the past 100 years.
In short, we have again reached reductio ad absurdum and bankruptcy for evolutionary materialism, this time on the moral side.
Let us take grim warning, if we care for our civilisation; or even just our families and communities.
From here:
Well, there he goes again, attributing words to me that I never said, and this time he's using quote marks again.
Today (and usually) it's: “we know you, we know where you are, we know those you care for,”
(sometimes in quotes, sometimes in italics)
The other day it was: we know you, we know where you are, we think we know your family (in italics)
Liars can never keep their stories straight, and gordon e. mullings is a blatant, willful liar. I've never said those words to him and he knows it. Frankly, it amazes me that someone like gordo, who goes on and on and on about morality, could be such an amoral/immoral liar and expect to get away with it. He obviously thinks that he doesn't have to abide by the morals that he preaches about so much. That's mighty 'christian' of him.
It's also obvious that gordo really has a problem with Mark Frank, even though Mark has nothing to do with what I say or do and is not responsible for me in any way. Since gordo doesn't have the guts to come here and face me, he instead goes after Mark, and of course gordo does it behind the chicken-shit protective wall at UD. Oh, by the way, I wasn't "coddled" at Mark Frank's blog. That's just another lie from gordo. In fact, Mark asked me to post elsewhere and I have been doing so since.
"At the same time, we see outright declarations that the God of the Bible is a moral monster, and those who follow him are ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked would-be tyrannical Christo-fascist theocrats and child abusers."
That "declaration" is accurate.
"Plainly, some one out there — Dawkins and ilk — thinks he can smear people and build up morally driven rage against them by appealing to precisely the moral absolutes that he denies when they would cut in ways that he does not want."
That makes it sound as though I'm Dawkins. I'm not. And it's gordo who thinks he can smear people and build up morally driven rage.... blah blah blah. What a two-faced blowhard he is.
gordo, all of your accusations apply precisely to you. You are exactly what you condemn. You are just like your chosen god; a despicable monster. No wonder you worship him.