August 31, 2011 at 7:56 pm
Nick, you have nothing but severely distorted evidence, dogmatism, and insult to make your case (not to mention a pompous attitude covering your ignorance, in the place of genuine wisdom that would come from a humble attitude in the face of such unparalleled complexity of information processing in life! ..............
And of course you IDiots NEVER use "severely distorted evidence, dogmatism, and insult to make your case (not to mention a pompous attitude covering your ignorance", do you?
August 31, 2011 at 7:56 pm
Nick, you have nothing but severely distorted evidence, dogmatism, and insult to make your case (not to mention a pompous attitude covering your ignorance, in the place of genuine wisdom that would come from a humble attitude in the face of such unparalleled complexity of information processing in life! ..............
And of course you IDiots NEVER use "severely distorted evidence, dogmatism, and insult to make your case (not to mention a pompous attitude covering your ignorance", do you?