This blog is devoted to exposing the truth about supporters of the so-called Intelligent Design movement. The Intelligent Design movement is religious creationism in a poor disguise and is really just an intrusive, dishonest, religious and political agenda. The people promoting and supporting it are insane, narcissistic, hypocritical, dishonest religious-zealots who want to control the thoughts and actions of everyone on Earth.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Hey gordo
There is no such thing as FSCO/I (functionally specific, complex organization/information), if for no other reason than the fact that specification hasn't been established and there's no evidence of it. Specification requires and assumes a creator/designer/specifier, and of course that means "God" to you and the other IDiots. Where's your evidence for a god, and especially your chosen god? Scientifically testable, verifiable evidence. You can't just say it, you have to show it.