And the second time, third time, fourth time, fifth time, etc. Are you a pathetic little dweeb who likes to toot his own horn, or what? The nazi holocaust may be the reason berlinski can't pray?? And do you worship the IDiot berlinski much?
Get a fucking life!
7:08 pm
Shortly after David Berlinski’s book The Devil’s Delusion came out I met him at Biola University in Southern California. (BIOLA = Bible Institute Of Los Angeles, home of such people as William Lane Craig.)
Prior to his presentation, he and I had a few moments to discuss things in both French and English. I bought a copy of his book, which he graciously autographed. (I consider it to be a treasure, and it will not be sold at any price.)
David and I discussed my background as a classical concert pianist, and it turns out that his parents were involved in the same artistic field.
The most salient thing that still sticks in my mind is that, during the Q&A session, David remarked, “I cannot pray.”
Perhaps this is a result of the Nazi Holocaust and the problem of evil, which David can appreciate much more than I.
However, I was once the most militant atheist you could possibly imagine, with the darkest and most nihilistic view of the human condition. I despised the notion of prayer with a passion that cannot be described.
But once I tried it with conviction, everything changed, for the better.