Monday, September 26, 2011

chris doyle keeps showing what a wanking coward he is
September 26, 2011 at 12:51 pm

You are a time-waster, sir.

Yes, I often feel like I am wasting my time here ;)

I haven’t yet been blessed with a knighthood so you need only refer to me as Dr, not Sir.
Chris Doyle
September 26, 2011 at 2:09 pm

You certainly are if you think you’re saying anything that will trouble those of us who don’t share your blind faith in neo-darwinism. I mean, you’re not even giving us pause for thought. Just unsupported claims that are easily refuted. Evolutionists like you, Bot, only seek to reassure ID proponents like me, that the truth is on our side.

If you were half as qualified as you think you are this would simply not be the case. You’d present us with debate-ending evidence and cogent arguments, rather than bluffing and blustering your way through.

If this is the best that our critics have to offer, then we can be very confident indeed.


Hey doyle, you sure do talk big when you're hiding in the UD sanctuary, where the vast majority of your "critics" are banned and aren't allowed to speak. If you're so sure of your position, why aren't you man enough to argue your claims on an open forum where your critics can speak freely? You're just one of the typical big mouthed sniveling IDiotic cowards on UD.

Tell ya what chrisy-boi, why don't you show a 'supported' ID claim that isn't based on "blind faith", and that verifies your claim of your beliefs being "the truth". Let's see you present debate-ending evidence and cogent arguments, rather than bluffing and blustering your way through. Come on chrisy, show how "qualified" you are.