Monday, July 4, 2011

ilion needs a mirror, and a clue




4:03 pm

To the general reader:
I do not explicitly put a name to someone’s intellectual dishonesty *simply* because he disagrees with me; the accusation follows after certain types of behavior. For that matter, I don’t even decide in my own mind that a person is intellectually dishonest absent behavior demonstrating it.

Look back over this thread and examine the behavior of ‘Driver’ toward the “theists” and the theistic arguments they have presented. Look at has first post directed at me (#53), before I had said anything at all to or about him.

It is his behavior which tips the scale from “honestly mistaken” to “intellectually dishonest.”


That's from this thread:

ilion, and all the other IDiots, really, really, really need to look back over everything they have ever said and look long and hard at a mirror before they spew their dishonest, hypocritical bile. Their behavior is as intellectually dishonest, and just plain dishonest, as it's possible to be.

And this is an example of an outright lie:

"I do not explicitly put a name to someone’s intellectual dishonesty *simply* because he disagrees with me...."